Molecules have a rich diversity of physical properties and reactivities depending on their environment — leading to plenty of exciting problems and opportunities. In Ribeiro Group, the research program is focused on molecular phenomena in mesoscopic devices including photonic and plasmonic materials. We develop mathematical theories and computational models to simulate energy conversion, charge transport, and light propagation in hybrid condensed-phase molecular materials for application in the energy, materials, and biochemical sciences. In our group, we focus on the following projects:
Mesoscale reaction dynamics on quantum materials
Hybrid molecular-photonic excited-states for energy conversion and charge transport control

Each of these projects is motivated by specific questions with connections to state-of-the-art experiments in chemical physics, nanoscience, and condensed-matter physics. Our purpose is not only to explain puzzling experimental data or predict new phenomena but also to find unifying principles applicable to molecular dynamics in exotic quantum environments. In this way, we hope to contribute to the design of materials with enhanced and controllable energy and charge transport, catalytic activity, and optical response.